Do you want to get rid of illnesses, disorders, stress, physical complaints, love problems, etc.? Then I would like to tell you something about Bioenergy.These are 1 on 1 sessions that […]
Do you know what to do when you are feeling lonely, angry with someone, having difficulty letting go, being in love sorrow?What to do when you miss someone?Being emotionally dependent […]
What does peace mean?Peace within yourself, peace on earth?If you are at peace with yourself and everyone would start with that, there is peace on earth! When you look around […]
The universe does not understand the concept of a future.There is always the eternal present in the universe, there is no future, it is a conditioning in the brain.Today is […]
You can only find and feel contentment, peace and happiness within yourself. No one but you can feel your feelings.Thinking that your feelings and happiness depend on someone else is […]
Myself am very fortunate to have been born by a very conscious, lovely, spiritual mother.She taught me and my sister to trust God from an early age.The divine in us […]
All day long we experience emotions whether they make you feel good or not, they are just there. By the state of your thinking determines how deeply the emotion can […]
The infinite cosmos of light and life flows through us.A great beam of light, the core of which we are made, one breath, one life, one intelligent, one body.Infinite life […]