I received this text from a friend, but unfortunately the author is unknown. This text is applicable to the NOW in which we live.
All love to the writer!
I would like to share it with you!
Lots of love,
Michele & Anika
Prepare yourself for the joy that is coming.
Today, as you prepare to enter a new earthly time, I want to remind you that there is and can only be LOVE!
Love is reality, is Mother/Father/God, is the Source from which All That Is, constantly pours out and re-embraces itself at every moment, creating infinite joy for all.
Separation is an illusion and time is an important aspect of the illusion, for there is only NOW.
There is no last year, this year or next year, there is NOW.
All experiences occur NOW, even memories that you relive occur NOW.
That is why memories can be so intense, because when you remember them, you experience them again NOW!
Painful memories need to be released and thrown away, because they ruin the moment for you now.
However, they don’t really screw up, it’s just that when you bring them back to your mind, you move out of the NOW!
Now, is always filled with joy and joyful memories can intensify Now, while painful and sad memories the Now hide from your consciousness and replace it with dreams or nightmares, where Joy is totally lacking.
Joy is real and available to you at any time, regardless of what may be happening to you as a human being right now.
Joy sees the beauty in every moment and intensifies it and there is always beauty, in every moment.
As humans you experience duality – right/bad, right/wrong, beauty/ugliness – and then choose the aspect you want to focus your attention on.
That is why earthly events and situations bring joy to some and misery to others.
For example, you can support a soccer team.
When they win a match, you’re happy and the opposing team’s supporters feel miserable.
When your team loses, you feel miserable and the other team’s supporters are happy.
But allowing yourself to feel miserable because the team you support doesn’t win is a choice you make and no one else is making it for you.
That’s a simple example to show very clearly that you make the choice to be happy or miserable, because if you decide to support another team, your perception of what makes you happy or miserable changes.
But as you go about your life, the choices available to you usually don’t seem as clear and simple as such.
In Reality, choices are not necessary, as Love, Joy and Creativity flow smoothly and constantly at every moment, further revealing the amazing wonder that is Reality.
The choice to experience separation from Source was a bit like that of a human teenager who wanted to do something other than experience life as it had happened until now: a teenage expression of independence.
It only took a moment, BUT, because God gave Himself when He created you, you had the same infinite power, the same divine power to make something on your own that seemed completely different from the Source.
However, there is nothing but the Source.
So you got lost in a dream state, an illusory state that seems completely real to you, as humans.
It’s not like that!
However, you chose to believe it was real and therefore it is so to you and it will continue to be so to you, until you change your mind!
Waking up is changing your collective mind, and because you experience yourself as separate from each other, everyone has to change their individual mind.
That change of mind is happening right now and you can see evidence of it everywhere, because love replaces the conflict and confusion in the minds of many people, so they change their attitudes and behavior.
This leads to a collective shift of perception, allowing more and more loving ideas and activities to manifest in the seemingly most unlikely places on the planet.
These ideas and activities are alive with hope, alive with enthusiasm and alive with excitement, as it becomes very clear to those involved that life can and will be joyful.
There are now very few who are completely unaware that enormous changes are taking place worldwide.
Consequently, many are looking for information about what is going on and why.
And what they discover is that humanity is waking up.
They continue to meet and make new acquaintances who also wake up.
Prepare yourself for the joy that is coming.
This is truly a very inspiring and uplifting time where you live as a human in embodiment on planet Earth.
Your job, each of you reading this message, is to focus your attention on the positive and uplifting events happening all over the planet, as opposed to focusing closely and very intently, as many do, on the chaos, confusion and conflicts that also occur on the planet.
The latter have been taking place for centuries and are now in their final phase of dissolution, as the Tsunami of Love washes over the planet more and more intensely, embracing all of humanity.
It seems strange to have so much that is good and loving and so much that causes conflict, resentment and bitterness, which seems to be happening at the same time.
This is the moment of change, and to bring about change, chaos and confusion must be present.
In situations of chaos and confusion, change will occur, because chaos and confusion inevitably lead to change.
Most of the time, things seemed to only get better in the past—wars ending and peace being made—before the cycle started again with wars of greater vigor that caused more damage and suffering than before.
This is not what is happening now.
Humanity is awakening to the realization that conflict and the wars that result are both insane and completely unnecessary.
Wars arise from a powerful selfish need to be right and to see the other as wrong.
The facts of the situation are never the issues on which wars are fought.
Wars are fought over the matter of pride!
The pride of the authorities who choose conflicts to show how powerful they are.
But conflict always leads to further conflict as the defeated recover and choose to renew their efforts to restore their wounded pride.
That kind of pride, which has been around for centuries, has finally been recognized for what it is: a childish refusal to admit it made a mistake by completely denying it and blaming someone else for the resulting damage.
With recognition, in the realization of this, the opportunity for change arises and is embraced wisely and enthusiastically by all involved.
This worldwide realization or recognition is the direct result of so many choosing to love no matter what.
It has now become so all-encompassing that it enables the peoples of the world to demand absolute change from those who were chosen to serve them, but who have abused their positions for personal gain.
The tipping point is over, doubts dissolve and humanity is waking up.
Prepare for the joy that comes by holding up your Light and treating absolutely everyone with love and respect.
Doing that alone is bringing about the changes you all hoped for and prayed for.
Choose LOVE