First, you have to learn to understand what you really want in life. If you know what you want, you can focus on that.
Many people do not know what they want because they are afraid of making the wrong decisions or of failing.
These decisions mainly have to do with old experiences.
You have to learn to understand that experiences are snapshots with a matching emotion and that emotion is fixed in your body via your breathing. They become blockages and from there people often also get breathing problems.
If you want to achieve something, go after your goal with all your will, all your feeling and all your strength. You have to enjoy it, you have to see that you have achieved it.
The uncertainty is only the fear that you will not achieve it, that you will be rejected and that you will not succeed. The uncertainty makes that your full intention with all your strength, feeling and will goes to the negative, most people are completely unaware of that.
If you want success, you have to feel it in your veins. You can teach yourself that.
Program yourself with positive words and treat yourself nice. Listen carefully to yourself what kind of language you use in your wordplay? Are they positive words or do you mainly use derogatory words towards yourself and towards others.
The most ridiculous thing a person can use is sarcasm towards yourself and others? As if that makes you better? Personally, I think it is ego language.
Sarcasm is ridiculing yourself and others. It is cynical. It is mainly poisonous words that are used, all of which slide through your brain and tongue and if you pay attention to what it means, it is always the opposite of what the person who speaks it means.
Use constructive words and pay special attention to your feeling and your strength, how your intention is.
I am sure that if you get started with this, the year 2025 will be a great success in all areas.
Do you want to know more? Then come by for a spiritual consultation.
Big kiss,
Michele and Anika