We all know that fear is a bad counselor, but how do I get rid of it?
First, you need to know that you have a great power within you that you always rely on. The Divine Source.
Fear stems from old beliefs and experiences. It also has to do with how you were raised.
The emotions of the parents are often taken over by the child if there is no good communication or because of shock experiences.
The child is going to build up some kind of protection and adopt a certain attitude to feel safe (mental, emotional). This can arise in all kinds of forms such as asking a lot of attention, being introverted, aggressive attitude, pleasing, screaming, crying, manipulation, feeling responsible, etc.
From there arises pressure, emotions and fearful thoughts for the future.
Of course it also has to do with to-be-immortal/”>karma and reincarnation what the character of the child is like and here we go again … if the soul is already at a frequency of fear in the previous life, it also attracts other souls of fear such as the parents in the new life they also have this frequency, otherwise the connection would not be there by rebirth to eventually learn through all the misery to come back to the divine primal source and that is getting to know yourself and knowing that you are divine with all the powers that go with it.
To come back to the fear, what does the fear want to tell you? Meditate what the fear wants to tell you?
If you meditate or sit in peace and ask yourself what does this fear actually mean to me, you will receive an answer back, one hears a voice the other hears itself speak or you dream it in your sleep or through signs, no matter how you get the answer the point is that you understand that you get the answer back because you are consciously working on it, you really have to practice this, then you will enter another dimension and break through the veil of all imposed beliefs and attachments of childhood and karma.
This is a very interesting process and anyone can do it.
Fear the bad counselor is a fear in which you do not feel well, you feel bad, nauseous or worse you have no future perspective. At the moment it is also the collective consciousness, wich is also affected by the world around you and what is going on on Earth.
What about fear of pain and grief?
It all comes down to the same thing, it is a belief that things will not work out and that you will remain in a lead where you do not see a future but torture and death as a result.
You have to remember that you keep torturing yourself with these thoughts and you do it to yourself.
What is very interesting to know is that the blocks started very early and at that level you have made your emotions bigger and you are protecting yourself in some way from childhood into the adult now. People have actually forgotten that you can stand up for yourself now, you are an adult, you no longer have to justify yourself to others, you no longer have to believe in that fear because it is an old programming.
That is why finding out whether this fear is reality or whether a talk-into something from old convictions is of great importance.
Ask yourself if this fear is real?
You must realize for yourself that if you often keep thinking the same thing that it will be a programming and that you will start to believe in it again, it is an affirmation.
Support yourself in the decisions you make. Meditate and ask your source where it comes from.
When you consider that all kinds of fears are only ultimately 1 fear, what is it about? It holds you in the 3D system while we are universal beings.
Anika teaches Bioenergy, she can detect fears in the body of the human being and lift the blockages. Anika can teach you how to apply this in your life to heal yourself.
Anyway; be kind to yourself because you only have yourself and your body that you have to take very good care of, only then you can take good care of someone else and not end up in the emotion of another.
This has nothing to do with selfishness, this has to do with common sense and being at peace with yourself.
From there everything goes in the right direction.
God smiled at you when you were born!