How do I gain more self-confidence so that I can achieve my goals?
First, you have to learn to understand what you really want in life. If you know what you want, you can focus on that. Many people do not know what […]
First, you have to learn to understand what you really want in life. If you know what you want, you can focus on that. Many people do not know what […]
Pets can suffer from separation conflicts, for example when their owner leaves or dies, or when they are left in a kennel. To understand this better, we can look again […]
Do you know what to do when you are feeling lonely, angry with someone, having difficulty letting go, being in love sorrow?What to do when you miss someone?Being emotionally dependent […]
What does peace mean?Peace within yourself, peace on earth?If you are at peace with yourself and everyone would start with that, there is peace on earth! When you look around […]
The universe does not understand the concept of a future.There is always the eternal present in the universe, there is no future, it is a conditioning in the brain.Today is […]
You can only find and feel contentment, peace and happiness within yourself. No one but you can feel your feelings.Thinking that your feelings and happiness depend on someone else is […]
Do you want to get rid of illnesses, disorders, stress, physical complaints, love problems, etc.? Then I would like to tell you something about Bioenergy.These are 1 on 1 sessions that […]
What do you have to solve to reshape your own life so that karma can no longer have any influence? 95% of who we are by the time we are […]
Myself am very fortunate to have been born by a very conscious, lovely, spiritual mother.She taught me and my sister to trust God from an early age.The divine in us […]
All day long we experience emotions whether they make you feel good or not, they are just there. By the state of your thinking determines how deeply the emotion can […]